
Ravenor Primary School

Year 1

Bug Club

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Log in with your child’s individual user name and password

We would recommend that children read for at least 20 minutes everyday.

Year 1 children have access to Bug Club reading.

Computing/ E-Safety



Click to access home activity packs from ThinkuKnow?


More enjoyable computing activities, designed by teaching professionals for families to do at home with their children are available at

Audible on Amazon – Free audio books for children.

Priory Purpose is a student-led initiative in the sixth form at St Augustine’s Priory in Ealing, West London, that seeks to serve the community through projects and other fundraising ideas. Creativity Counts, is a drive to bring access to creativity resources to as many children as possible. This might be creative resources in the more traditional sense of the word, such as Art, Music or Drama, but also materials to enhance creative thinking which spans all subjects of the curriculum.
