
Ravenor Primary School

Contact Details

Ravenor Primary School
Greenway Gardens


Phone - (020) 8578 1654

The following contact details should be used for all relevant enquiries. If you wish to email your enquiry and it is of a confidential nature please state ‘PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL’ in the subject header followed by the individuals name.


All general enquiries should be addressed to Ms. Marshall, using the admin email address.


General enquiries

Senior School Business Manager

Mr. Hopson

Finance Officer

Mrs Akingbule

Senior Administrator

Ms. Marshall

Admissions, Data and Attendance Officer

Ms. Gosling


Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs. Corley

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ms. Smith

Inclusion Officer

Mrs Chawla

SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities)

SENDco and Inclusion Leader

Mrs. Corley



Mrs. Lobo

Chair of Governors

Mr. Nicholas Catterall



School opening hours are:

Nursery - 

Morning session - 8:30am - 11:30am

Afternoon session - 12:15pm - 3:15pm


Reception to Year 6 - 

08:40am - 08:50am soft start

8:50am-8:55am registration

End of school day – 3:15pm.


School office opening hours are:

08:30 – 16:00 Monday to Friday term time only.


Travel By Bus
Bus: 282, E7, E9, 95, 105, E10.

Requests for paper copies

If you require paper copies of any school documentation on this website, please ask at the school office (during term time) and a copy will be provided.

Contact Us - Web Form
