Ravenor Primary School |
The following contact details should be used for all relevant enquiries. If you wish to email your enquiry and it is of a confidential nature please state ‘PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL’ in the subject header followed by the individuals name.
All general enquiries should be addressed to Ms. Marshall, using the admin email address.
School opening hours are: Nursery - Morning session - 8:30am - 11:30am Afternoon session - 12:15pm - 3:15pm
Reception to Year 6 - 08:40am - 08:50am soft start 8:50am-8:55am registration End of school day – 3:15pm.
School office opening hours are: 08:30 – 16:00 Monday to Friday term time only.
Travel By Bus |
If you require paper copies of any school documentation on this website, please ask at the school office (during term time) and a copy will be provided.