
Ravenor Primary School

Nursery Admissions

Ravenor Primary School (FS1) Nursery Admissions Criteria


We have 26 places available in our morning nursery, and 26 places available in our afternoon nursery. We accept children into Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday, as long as we have vacancies. Children must be toilet trained before attending.


Our nursery application and waiting list form can be found on the school website. If you would more information about our Nursery and application process, please contact the school office.


Nursery Admissions Criteria

  • Children who are looked after or were previously looked after
  • Siblings
  • Distance from home to school

Typically, offers for September places are made in the preceding March-April, please submit your application form before March.


In the event of our Nursery being oversubscribed, your child will remain on our waiting list until a place becomes available.

Nursery Admissions Criteria:


Nursery Admissions Criteria

  • Children who are looked after or were previously looked after
  • Siblings
  • Distance from home to school


Under each criterion applicants will be prioritised in distance order.
