SCHOOL LUNCH COST: £2.99 per day, per child. (*)
*****************************************************************************How to make a paymentRavenor Primary School Online Bookings & Payments ********
APPLY FOR FREE SCHOOL MEALSFree school meals are available for pupils of parents/carers that receive certain benefits. For more information read the free school meals eligibility criteria. If you think your child may be eligible, you can apply online
Our catering provider is Chartwells, part of Compass Group.
For any medical diet queries or for a copy of the Medical Diet Policy, please contact:
Please see the link below for 'The Beyond Chartwell's Kitchen' video
*****************************************************************************Food Hygiene Ratings |
For any medical diet queries or for a copy of the Medical Diet Policy, please contact: |
Please read the guide below with instructions on how to top-up your lunch money account: |
As you will be aware, Ravenor Primary School has run a number of initiatives to promote the health of the young people in our school.
Over the past few years, we have achieved the Bronze, Silver and Gold London Healthy Schools Awards. We are the first school in Ealing to achieve all awards and are very pleased that the work we have been doing to promote health has been recognised through the achievement of such prestigious awards.
Over the coming year, we will begin work on achieving our second Silver and Gold Healthy Schools London Awards. Our health focuses will be:
PACKED LUNCH Our ‘Packed Lunch’ policy and ‘Whole School Foods’ policy remain the same as they did last year. We would like to thank all the parents, pupils, staff and governors who contributed to the development of these policies, which can be found on our ‘Policies’ page or viewed by clicking on the documents below. |
Where, when and to whom the policy applies: To all pupils and parents providing packed lunches to be consumed within school or on school visits, during normal school hours. Food and drink in packed lunches: As fridge space is not available in school, please send packed lunches in insulated bags with freezer blocks where possible. Packed lunches should include: If you choose for your child to have a packed lunch, here is a checklist of ideas for a healthy eating lunchbox. This checklist is based on the main food groups as recommended in the Department of Education and Skills guidance ‘The Balance of Good Health’.
Starchy Food: Sandwich or roll with whole grain bread, chapatti, pitta pocket, pasta, rice salad Fruit and Vegetables: Apple, satsuma, cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, cucumber, box of raisins Dairy Foods: Individual portion of cheese, pot of yogurt, fromage fraise Fish/ Lean Meat/ Meat Alternative: Cooked ham, chicken, beef, tuna, egg, hummus Drink: Water is always available or you can put in a small carton of fruit juice in your child’s packed lunch
The Food Standards Agency gives ideas and suggestions for healthier lunch boxes including a menu planner –
There is further guidance on healthy lunch box menus. Click on the link below: |
(*) From 2023/24 Academic Year, the Mayor of London has provided additional funding to expand free school meals so that every child in a state London primary school has the offer of a free lunch. (More details here)