Our school attendance target is 97.0%
The school gates open at 8:40am and close at 8:55am.
Any child arriving from 8:55am must report to the main school office and will be marked as late.
Morning session 8:30am – 11:30am
Afternoon session 12:15pm – 3:15pm
All day session 8:40am - 3:15pm
A soft start is in operation for children in Year 3 to Year 6.
The school day starts from 8:40am. Registers are closed at 8:55am; children arriving after this time are marked as late on the register.
School ends at 3:15pm.
Regular attendance is vital and is monitored and reported on according to statutory regulations.
The Department for Education has set a target of at least 97% attendance for each child and we expect every child to achieve at least that from nursery onwards.
Attendance and attainment are directly related and therefore it is essential that children should attend school every day.
If children are unwell and cannot attend school, parents/carers are required to telephone the school office before 9:00am for every day of absence. Alternatively an e-mail can be sent to the school via attendance@ravenor.ealing.sch.uk
All unexplained absences are counted as “unauthorised” and we are obliged to report these to the Local Authority and the DfE.
If your child has a medical, dental or hospital appointment which cannot be avoided during term time then please let the school office know and provide medical evidence. You can also send medical evidence to attendance@ravenor.ealing.sch.uk The school office will advise you on whether your child should come to school before and/or after the appointment.
Please remember that if your child is unwell and is not able to come to school:
Telephone 0208 578 1654 and leave a message on the absence line stating your child’s name, class and the reason for absence.
Our Attendance Policy is available on our ‘Policies‘ page and can be viewed as follows:
If your child is unwell in the morning but during the school day becomes better, please bring them to school.
Holidays during term time will not be authorised under any circumstances. However, it is recognised that, in exceptional circumstances, leave of absence may have to be taken in term times. Permission in these circumstances needs to be discussed prior to taking leave with the Headteacher.
If you wish to request any leave, you will need to complete a leave of absence form (Exceptional Leave of Absence) and return to the school office or email to attendance@ravenor.ealing.sch.uk for the attention of Miss. Gosling (Data Manager)
If you are planning to change schools or move Borough and will no longer be attending Ravenor, you will need to complete a leaving school form (Leavers Form) and return to the school office or email to admissions@ravenor.ealing.sch.uk for the attention of Miss. Gosling (Data Manager)
Changes to School Attendance 2024-2025
When can I be given a penalty notice (fine) if my child misses school?
Holidays during term time
If you do not pay the fine you may be prosecuted in court.
It is very important for children to be punctual.
Lateness disrupts the start of the day for your child and the other children in the class. If your child arrives late to school, you must report to the school office, where your child will be marked in. Children must be collected promptly at the end of the school day.
The KS1 (Year 1 and Year 2) Class with the highest attendance each week will keep the ‘attendance bear’ in their classroom and will be given a certificate.
There are two Attendance Leagues – one for KS1 (Year 1, Year 2 pupils) and one for KS2 (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 pupils.)
The Attendance Leagues run in a similar way to a football league.
Points are awarded to each individual class depending on the percentage attendance figure for the previous week.
The points are accumulated and, at the end of each term, the class in each Attendance League with the most number of points are invited to the ‘Ravenor Primary School – Cinema Experience’.
Here, the children are given a golden ticket invite, children arrive in the hall to enjoy popcorn, juice and a movie of their choice – free of charge.
Points for the league table:
99 – 100% = 3 points
97.6 – 98.9% = 2 points
97.0– 97.5% – 1 point
Golden Tombola
Every Half Term, children with 100% attendance are awarded with a 100% attendance certificate.
Each time a child received 100% for the half term, their name is entered into the golden tombola.
At the end of the Academic Year, 3 names are chosen at random (KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2) for a VERY special prize.