
Ravenor Primary School

Teaching Reading

Ravenor Primary School – Reading Information


Across the school, we teach children a range of reading skills through whole class sessions and daily guided reading sessions. Guided reading sessions involve teachers working with groups of children; they use different reading materials to support the children so they can develop their independent reading skills. In FS and KS1, children have access to the Dandelion range of books, which are fully decodable; these are used for home reading and in some guided reading sessions. Guided reading sessions give teachers the opportunity to –

  • explicitly teach children the skills they need to decode a text,
  • ask a range of questions about a text to ensure that the children have a secure understanding of what they are reading,
  • check the children’s understanding of a range of vocabulary,
  • extend the children’s understanding of unfamiliar words,
  • assess how each child is doing in relation to the reading skills that need to be taught in the year group they are in.


Guided reading sessions are taught for-

  • 15-20 min in FS2
  • 20-30 min in KS1
  • 30-45 min in KS2